Organization' Statement

Introducing Unikenzy Engineering new brand identity

We are happy to announce to you the launch of our new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our organization's brand.

In the life of every organization, there comes a moment when you need to look closer at who you are or better who you’ve become and make that visible also for the others. That moment has come in Unikenzy Engineering for quite a few months and our creative marketing team has been busy updating our visual identity to reflect what we are now and how our company is approaching many things today. 

Goodbye to our previous logo
Our professional profile has grown and evolved over the last years, and now it is time to adapt. We have altered our logo to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our dynamic future.

With a lot of creativity sessions, we have chosen a new logo that is modern with key elements that convey our mission and orientation for growth, while remaining true to our longstanding reputation!
Our old logo did a really great job for our beginnings, but the time has come to move on.

New Logo
We decided to go for something a lot more dynamic, solid, bold, serious and modern. Without going far from the old identity, we added more focus on the ‘perfectionism’ (represented by the bold fonts) and also went for a more mature and solid typeface.  We kept the essentials but we have to keep in touch with the current pace of technology evolution. We believe the new logo you can see below does that a lot better.
Gear Elements 
So, the gear (cog wheel): used to represent progress, work, and innovation.
Globe-like Technology Element
It symbolizes how we spread technology and engineering to the world via our engineering updates and engineering lectures.
We went for Bugaki font which is solid, bold and mature enough to speak for our team. 

Revamping our Colour Palette and Font Sets.

Our Font Sets:
Chunk Five, Bugaki, Alegreya, Brittany, Montserrat and Khand.
Our Colour Palette:
#007DAD, #79DAFF, #FFDE00, #FFFFFF, #000000

Revamping our corporate website

Along with announcing our new brand identity, we have revamped our corporate website.  The new site delivers rich new content in a modern, clean, and organized layout to provide visitors with easy access to our engineering updates, lectures, events, quotes.

The new logo and brand identity reflect the bold, energetic and forward-looking culture of our company, and are designed to inspire and further elevate us as we continue to provide engineering updates, lectures and so on.


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