Adden Energy EV Battery Technology Fully Charged in 3 Minutes.

"They have discovered a new battery that charges in three miinutes and lasts for 20 years. It's called Adden Energy. It could fully charge in three minutes.
The battery itself will last 20 years and it will charge over 10,000 full cycles. Apparently, it's supposed to be on the market in the next three years or so, but they have gotten approved of the build of factories and start propagating. 

If they can get that downpack, where we can literally charge our cars. Some phones are being released now. They're sold with 100 watt charging blocks, and they have videos of showing it going from 0% to 100% in like ten minutes, and that's 100 watts. 

Now, at these charging facilities, they could be running who knows how many watts. And if they could do three minutes yeah, that's actually faster than filling up your car with a gasoline."

– Toilet Time Television Revealed 


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